We only show in IL and some in Western IN if you
are interested in any rabbits they can be delivered to any of the shows listed below:
These are the show dates for 2008 as of Aug. 2007:
Peoria IL OABS Feb. 17th 2008.
Bloomington IL OABS March 22-23rd 2008. Mini Rex Specialty Show on Sun. the 23rd. This is also Easter
Weekend and if they don't change the date for the show I won't be going.
Lafayette, IN OABS April 5th 2008.
Newton, IL OABS April 6th 2008. I will be going to Lafayette or Newton-probably not both.
Pontiac IL OABS May 10th 2008.
Crescent City IL OABS June 1st 2008.
Springfield State Fair OABS @ Aug. 15th 2008.
Bloomington, IL RBA OABS Aug. 24th 2008.
Indy State Convention Sept. 6th-7th 2008. I will be going to the Spec. Show probably over the Convention.
Bloomington IL State Convention Sept. 27th-28th. I will be going to the Spec. Show probably over
the Convention.
Peoria, IL OABS-MR SPEC.-Nov. 16th 2008.
There may be more shows added for County Fairs, I know there was to be one this year that was cancelled
in Marion, IL. So when I know them I will list them.
I also have two weddings that I am in next year and one that I am going to. One in July and the other
two are in Oct. so those two months for shows will vary.
My husband is also being deployed next Aug.-Oct. time frame for a year so with all these things considered
I may not be showing as much next year, especially during July-Oct. which are big show months.